European Commission publishes second report on GDPR application

01/08/2024 | European Commission

The European Commission has adopted its second report on the application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The report, which follows the release of the first report in June 2020, highlights that the GDPR is at the centre of the EU's approach to the digital transformation.

Four years later, the report identifies broad consensus among data protection authorities (DPAs), member states and other stakeholders that, despite various challenges, the GDPR has delivered important results for individuals and businesses. 

In order to achieve the GDPR's two principle aims of "strong protection for individuals while ensuring the free flow of personal data within the EU and safe data flows outside the EU," the report recommends that additional focus should be given to the robust enforcement of GDPR, and in particular by adopting additional procedural rules to ensure more consistent interpretation and application of the GDPR. DPAs should also be more proactive in supporting stakeholders, especially SMEs, in their compliance efforts. In addition, there should be a more consistent interpretation and application of the GDPR, better regulatory cooperation at both national and EU levels, and further advancement of the Commission's data protection strategy.

In a statement responding to the report, IAB Europe has said that it "strongly supports" the Commission's findings about taking a "risk-based and technology-neutral approach" to ensure data subjects are protected and the free flow of data continues. 

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European Commission

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