Research finds alarming increase in ransomware attacks

08/07/2024 | SC Media

New research published by Orange Cyberdefense has unveiled alarming statistics regarding the growing number of victims of Ransomware or Cyber Extortion (Cy-X). The report defines Cy-X as a form of computer crime that compromises the security of digital assets and exploits them to extort payment. Key findings from the report include a 77% increase in observable victims over the past 12 months, with 60 different threat actors affecting 4,374 victims during that period. Furthermore, the actual number of victims is estimated to be at least 50% higher than recorded incidents, and it's believed that 75% of all countries worldwide have had businesses directly impacted by Cy-X since 2020.

In related news, SC Media reports that a separate study by Cloudflare found that 70% of UK business leaders expect a cybersecurity incident in the next 12 months, while only 35% feel adequately prepared for such an event. The survey of over 4,000 business and technology leaders throughout Europe, including 430 in the UK, also revealed that 80% of UK business leaders acknowledged an increase in cyber incidents over the past 12 months.

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Ransomware, hacking, cyberattack

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