Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov has announced that the messaging platform has taken steps to remove "problematic content" and will be more proactive in adhering to government requests.
Durov went on to say that the search feature on Telegram has been misused by individuals who are violating the terms of service. In response, the platform has used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and remove certain content from search results. Furthermore, while Durov stressed the company's commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the platform for its nearly one billion users, Telegram has updated its terms of service and privacy policy to clarify that it will share user details, including internet IP addresses and phone numbers, with authorities in response to valid legal requests. The move comes after Durov's recent arrest in France on charges related to the platform's failure to combat criminal activity.
In related news, the Ukrainian Security Council has restricted the app's use on government and military devices after an intelligence agency said Russia could spy on users and messages.

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